Carers Link and Why We Work With Them
17th May 2017A number of our existing clients fall into the older people category. This part of the population are most prone to foot issues which means that our services are needed by them.
This also means that we work closely with carers in order to provide our services to those that need it. This is where our partnership with Carers Link comes into force.
What is Carers Link?
It is thought that there are more than 6.5 million carers in the UK with 1 in 5 people becoming a carer in their lives. Being a carer is not always a paid vocation, in fact, the most common form of carer is unpaid when you take care of a friend, partner or family member who no longer can take care of themselves.
Carers Link has been created with a vision to improve the lives of those that are carers. It is a website that provides information to carers throughout East Lancashire, letting them know what their rights are and also give them access to solutions and services that are of a benefit to them.
They arrange activities that give carers a break from their caring duties and are a source of support and advice 24/7, 365 days a year.
Why partner with them?
We believe that the role of a carer is a difficult one. It is filled with emotional strain and stress which can take its toll after time. That is why we believe that having the support of Carers Link is a great thing for carers of all types.
Not only do we offer our support to the company, but we also work closely with them too as the majority of the clients that require our service are not able to arrange their appointment themselves. They may be an older person or disabled and require foot health treatments as part of their ongoing personal care package.
This means that we need to be in touch with their main carer, organising their appointments and passing over their aftercare recommendations.
Having a link to Carers Link has given us a better understanding of the life of a carer and the challenges that they face on a daily basis. Having this information means that we can build great relationships with our clients, making sure that we can empathise with the things that they need to cope with.
We are sure that our partnership with Carers Link is one that will continue to grow across our years in business.
If you’d like to know more about our relationship with Carers Link or would like to find out more about the foot care treatments that we offer contact the Solace team on 0333 3583838 – quote the code WEB10 for 10% off your first treatment with us.