Diabetics have a higher risk of developing foot health problems due to the damage that raised blood sugars can cause to circulation and sensation. Therefore, it is advisable to check your feet daily. You may want to use a mirror to see the soles of your feet.
Foot care guide:
At Solace, Lynda, our qualified Foot Health Practitioner has previously worked as a Diabetic Foot Screening Assistant for the NHS and can complete a Neuropathy Test that identifies any numbness and loss of feeling in your feet.
It is our policy to treat every client as if they are diabetic as you could be and not know. Each Solace client can be assured that the set of instruments used has been sterilised before each and every treatment.
This web page contains general information about diabetes and taking care of your feet. You must not rely on the information on this web page as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any medical concerns you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider to seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.
“Having had reflexology at the Hospice as part of my bereavement therapy I found it so beneficial for my well-being and recovery I wanted to keep having it at regular intervals. It is a truly wonderful experience. Having been a hairdresser and on my feet all day time has taken its toll and I have a couple of corns and hard skin which I can have done at the same time. Bliss!! I am walking on air in every way when I leave.”
“My brother Duncan has special needs. His feet were shocking, really dry, rough skin and thick / dry toe nails and in desperate need of cutting. I brought him to Solace after hearing good reports off my friends and can only say the treatment he received was nothing but professional. He had the full treatment and his feet were transformed they looked amazing when finished. I have no hesitation in booking a next appointment for a home visit. He was even given some Heel Balm cream sachets to take home. Fantastic, friendly service and will be recommending to my family and friends.”
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